Oh, my! Is the Queen having breakfast at the Tower Arms Hotel in Iver? No...it's Tiffie in a fancy chair.
The last view of the Tower Arms as we departed on Day 8 of The Walk!!!
After getting back on track by walking about 1/2 a mile to Victoria Crescent, we discovered we would be following the waterways today - mainly the Grand Junction Canal and the River Thames. That was the good news. The bad news: "...from here onwards there are no Shakespeare's Way waymarks..." You have to be kidding.
Here is the first bridge, No. 193.
Lots of bridges today - the No. 195. On the flip side, an easier walk! No hills to climb or animal poo to dodge (except for some rare dog poo).
Up ahead "under brick-built Dawley Bridge where canal starts to curve right with poplar trees..."
As we begin to close in on London, the scenery becomes less...scenic. All the while down the canal, Karen is diligently working on her lines for our Shakespeare test on Saturday. Good show!
We stopped to eat and some ducks were lucky enough to feast on part of yesterday's leftover sandwiches. Lots of people along this stretch of canal were caring enough to feed the ducks and swans.
We tried to find an Inn but couldn't...but I did find a cute little doggie that hopped off his boat to be petted. His owner said he like women! :)
A serene stretch of land along the canal.
Karen still trotting ahead working on memorization! The water is fairly clean here - later on I stopped taking pictures because of all the litter in the canal!
The Grand Junction Arms Inn was just on the path when it was time for coffee...and I fell in love with the pub dog, Guinness. He laid on the floor by our table while we enjoyed coffee, cookies, candy, and any other treats we found hidden in our backpacks!
A more pleasant, scenic picture. I couldn't see the Toys 'R' Us from here. Did Shakespeare see that when he walked the canal? I don't think so.
"Note bricked up archway in this wall - this was the entry to the Asylum Dock, where coal for the mental hospital was unloaded." The Ealing Hospital was just behind the wall!
"Approach the elegant cast-iron 'roving' bridge inscribed - 'Made at Horseley Ironworks near Birmingham 1820' and turn right to cross it..."
"Emerge onto pathway to right-hand side of extensive Brentwood Basin, now with impressive flats over to left..."
"...turn right and right again to join pavement on right-hand side of busy A205 road to cross Kew Bridge..."
"...go under iron-girder Kew Railway Bridge, noting its handsome brick abutment ornamented by stone pillars and carved capitals..."
"Walk beneath Chiswick Bridge passing small green on right and keep on path..."
Lots of room to walk beneath here! Not so lucky at other bridges...
"Beyond the Ship Inn go along short section of road before veering left..." Nope - time for a Pimm's!
The river is beginning to curve back north...we are headed to Hammersmith Bridge!
"Go on raised concrete path under Barnes Bridge and keep on this raised path..."
"Go with care on path below Hammersmith Bridge - it has very little headroom."
No headroom indeed!!
FINALLY! TODAY'S GOAL! "Keep down...road on left-hand pavement, going under Putney Railway Bridge..." We actually crossed the bridge to get to the Putney Bridge Tube Station and took two subways to the Jesmond Dene Hotel in London.
Here it is - the Jesmond Dene. And it is late...about 10:30pm after we've checked in and settled in to our room.
The pedometer said: 21 miles; approx. 44, 350 steps; approx. 1,900 calories burned.
I'm starving...but too tired to eat.
The plan for tomorrow: 2 shows at The Globe...and laundry! :)
Here's some math for those who may be interested...
We have walked 111 of 137 miles of the Shakespeare Walk (81%).
We have taken 234,644 steps.
We have burned 10,032 calories.
We will finish the Walk on August 4; we only have 9 miles left. :)
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